Grocery Guide: General Guidelines
Posted by Nathan Jackson on

Hello everyone! While my previous Grocery Guides have been a little more content specific I wanted to create a list that you could take with you and use as your general guidelines when navigating the grocery store aisles. General Guidelines Stick to the outer aisles for the bulk of your food. The freshest, least processed foods are there. The bulk of your food should be meat/eggs and produce. Try to buy as much of your meat, eggs and produce as grass-fed, organic or pasture-raised as possible. Natural doesn’t mean much. Buy a variety of meats and vegetables. Do not...
The Great Benefit of Fitness While Going Through Cancer
Posted by Nathan Jackson on

Hello everyone! I’d like to introduce my first guest writer. His name is David Haas and shares a passion with me for helping people in health and fitness. He was gracious enough to write an article on cancer and the benefits of fitness . Enjoy! Nathan For many people, finding out you have cancer can be a major shock. Often, you may want to sit and do nothing and may even feel depressed. However, physical fitness and activity can be one of the most beneficial ways of coping with a cancer diagnosis. While physical fitness is not a cure for cancer, it...
Grocery Guide: Buying Meat
Posted by Nathan Jackson on

I’ve had quite a few people tell me they were looking into healthier meats and they asked me which meats to buy and where to buy them. I hope to clear that up today and arm you with the knowledge to confidently go out there and know what you’re buying when it comes to quality meats. We’ve all seen the labels that say Organic, Grass-fed, Pastured, Free-range, Natural, etc. But what do they all mean? What’s the difference? What do I even want? Here’s a quick definition of each one: Organic: The animal, usually cows, was not given any...
Choosing a Personal Fitness Trainer
Posted by Nathan Jackson on

Does Your Personal Fitness Trainer Know What They’re Doing? I realize that I can’t write an article to answer every question that a client might have. I also realize that not every person that I come across or who reads my blog will have a chance to work with me and have many of their questions answered. Many of you all ready work with a personal trainer or are looking to work with one. So how do you know they know what they’re doing? If a personal trainer is any good they’ll at least interview you before they work with...
Grocery Guide: Implementing Organic Foods – Part I
Posted by Nathan Jackson on

When most people think of organic foods they think of one thing: it’s expensive. I’ll never be able to eat well because I cannot afford it. Why’s it so expensive anyways? What’s so great about it? Are the health benefits really worth the cost? What even makes it organic? Does everything I need to buy need to be organic? Because You Are What You Eat, it is extremely important to understand these questions and how to begin implementing organic foods into our diets. What Is Organic? First, let’s address what organic foods are. Certified organic foods are those that are...